TWiV 579: Reno viral

Vincent speaks with virologists at the University of Nevada at Reno about their careers and their work on herpesviruses, arboviruses, and the development of diagnostics for infectious diseases.

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1 thought on “TWiV 579: Reno viral”

  1. Rishat RR Ahmetvaleev

    I Rakhat Rafailievich Akhmetvaleev have been proving my immunity for many years. Now my immunity is proven on the Internet. Thus, the activity of the immune system depends on a number of factors: Gastrointestinal tract health (hereinafter GIT). I eat 5 times a day. Almost every day I go to the bathroom mostly.
    Toxic load on the body. I live in the Almetyevsk oil capital of Tatarstan
    Stability of the nervous system. Since childhood, I do not work as a disabled person of 2 groups. I sleep 8 hours. Calm At home
    cat lives, constantly stroking her
    The quality of food. . Thanks to my mother, the quality of food is excellent. Mom is an old-age pensioner by profession a cook .. I eat milk porridge every day and drink 100% coffee every day. I eat or drink dairy products almost every day. I eat vegetables and fruits every day. I drink tea with lemon every day and squeeze lemon into tea and eat lemon.
      The result of the analysis made in the Almetyevsk AIDS center of lymphocytes is 55% with a norm of 11 to 37%. The result of the analysis of the outpatient clinic of PJSC Tatneft is 49%. In the 2nd immunogram, the local immunologist wrote lymphocytosis as a result of the activity of t-cells. Types of T-lymphocytes
    T-cell receptors are the main surface protein complexes of T-lymphocytes responsible for the recognition of processed antigens associated with the molecules of the main histocompatibility complex (MHC) on the surface of antigen-presenting cells [2]. The T cell receptor is linked to another polypeptide membrane complex, CD3. The functions of the CD3 complex include signaling into the cell, as well as stabilization of the T-cell receptor on the membrane surface. A T cell receptor can be associated with other surface proteins, its coreceptors. Depending on the coreceptor and the functions performed, two main types of T cells are distinguished.


    Antigen-recognizing receptor complex of T-helpers
    T-helpers (from the English. Helper – assistant) – T-lymphocytes, the main function of which is to strengthen the adaptive immune response. They activate T-killers, B-lymphocytes, monocytes, NK cells in direct contact, as well as humorally, releasing cytokines. The main sign of T-helpers is the presence of a CD4 coreceptor molecule on the cell surface. T-helpers recognize antigens by the interaction of their T-cell receptor with an antigen bound to the molecules of the main histocompatibility complex of class II (Eng. Major Histocompatibility Complex II (MHC-II)).

    Main article: Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
    T-killers, cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, CTL (from the English killer “killer”) – T-lymphocytes, the main function of which is the destruction of damaged cells of their own body. T-killer targets are cells affected by intracellular parasites (which include viruses and some types of bacteria), tumor cells. T-killers are a major component of antiviral immunity. The main sign of T-killers is the presence of a CD8 coreceptor molecule on the cell surface. T-killers recognize antigens by the interaction of their T-cell receptor with an antigen associated with the molecules of the main histocompatibility complex class I (English Major Histocompatibility Complex I (MHC-I)).

    T-helpers and T-killers form a group of effector T-lymphocytes directly responsible for the immune response. At the same time, there is another group of cells, regulatory T-lymphocytes, whose function is to regulate the activity of effector T-lymphocytes. By modulating the strength and duration of the immune response through the regulation of T-effector cell activity, regulatory T-cells maintain tolerance to the body’s own antigens and prevent the development of autoimmune diseases. There are several suppression mechanisms: direct, with direct contact between cells, and distant, carried out at a distance – for example, through soluble cytokines.

     T-killers, cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, CTL (English killer “killer”) – a type of T-lymphocytes that performs the lysis of damaged cells of their own body. T-killer targets are cells affected by intracellular parasites (which include viruses and some types of bacteria), tumor cells. T-killers are a major component of antiviral immunity.
     You can make a vaccine in a few days from my immunoglobulin. And part of the immunoglobulin is artificially copied. I propose to make a vaccine based on my immunity. We must start now so that it is not too late.
     A disabled person of 2 groups since childhood on 2 rare internal incurable diseases, 38 years old I take medicine 3 times a day

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